Wednesday, August 30, 2006
duno y today i got so angry until i cried-.- zZz stupid si hao and malay guys lor,,tt si hao go blame me becoz the door broken-.-,,like its not my fault right,,i never lock the door wad=.=,,den when return class tt time the whole place was in a mess-.-,,i was like "omg" la,,those bois onli noe how to destroy things,,den after recess shout shout scream like hell,,den sit down at my place,,den karim still wan play a fool wif me,,den i cannot stand it ler la,,go shout at him den started to cry-.-,,den ying shan and the rest all try to comfort me lar,,thx guys,,lols,,but u shld have let me cry my heart out first b4 u tell me not to cry o.o,,anyways thx,,hahax,,tt si hao onli noe how to blame ppl-.-,,he chairman all he do is just sit down toktoktoktoktotkottok den nevr help to kip the class quiet one-.-,,zZz,,i wan kik his head away to mars larhxx,,den during science karim apologise to me,,,den suhaidi not happi tt i never tok to him larh,,coz he oso make me angry ma,,lols,,after tt had to do the hist presentation,,ying shan and huiying started first,,den after tt was my turn larh,,den toktoktoktok den hy turn again,,den finish ler lor,,lols,,ms zuhara praised our grp wor xD,,lols,,after tt nxt period was pc,,this period we go collect our results,,shan so pro wor,,get all A,,i see liao jealous xD,,den when it was my turn hor,,mr wong say,,"i onli have one thing to say,WELL DONE" i was like"huh?",,den he tell me my position was not far frm shan,,so he is indirectly telling me i am one of the top 5 in class,,lols,,i was like jumping wif joy,,den my chinese teacher go chase away the gals tt were suppose to take pictured of our class,,lols,,den after tt go home lor,,den toktok wif pear boiboi,,he say he making blog,,lols,,den help him alittle lar,,lols,,den he go gimme website go see the bangala video-.-,,den when i ask him y show me this video he tell me he like the song,,i was like "LOL" xD,,k lar i go lerhxx,,cya
Monday, August 28, 2006
First period was science,,science was sibei boring lorhhx,,one day i might just chop off lampo and never to hear a word from him again xD,,den maths,,maths was still ok larhhx,,we went out of class to measure some stuff and some calculations,,got one stupid thing i did,,measure halfway hor,,den mr wong distract me den i let go-.-,,den we had to do the whole thing again larhxx,,lols,,after tt we pass up the paper,,den no one managed to finish the whole paper,,so based on accuracy larhxx,,den hor,,when we never finish the paper right,,guess wad,,the sissy jimmy go cry-.-,,den i was like,,omg-.-,,never finish den cry,,-.-,,quite lame larhhx,,during recess i ask ziling abt wad they all discuss abt last fri,,den i was quite pissed off wif some of the things she said larhhx,,like she say the things no one wan to listen,,den when ask her tt time when they wan to noe the ideas den she like irritated coz she dun wan to repeat again,,so actually i was right,,we go there onli do nth,,so wads the point of goin there when no one wans to listen to our ideas,,den after sch have to meet at notice board to get consent form for tmr,,den i was like,,i was so happy hor,,until i saw joseph lor,,see his face my day turn black larhhx,,even until now he haven change a single bit,,i dun even tink we shld giv him time to change,,i dun even see the effort tt he is trying to change at all,,if he realli wans to change he realli shld have turn to have a better attitude now,,its whether u wan to change at this veri moment,at this veri second,,den i was even pissed off when shiqi say last week joseph scold her the f word for no reason,,i was like,,wth,,can he get any worse,,somemore last week was the first time i heard him say out the f word lorhhx,,cannot stand him,,even ziling have second thoughts of giving him a chance to change,,there is not even a word of sorry,,instead he is just happily jumping around and acting as if nth has happened,,argh im just so angry,,-.-,,maybe all the time the real joe was inside waiting to come out,,so now he has appeared in this world,,i dun tink he is ever gonna change bak,,
Friday, August 25, 2006
i dunch tink anyone trusts me anymore dunch they,,wadeva reason it is i just feel tt u guys out there just realli dun trust me as much like last time,,i really hope im wrong,,right now i realli nid time alone tinking abt my tots,,i feel so depressed already okaes,,u guys dunch nid to rub in anymore salt into the wound as it realli hurts,,i wun be toking much and ill be more grumpy nowadaes just be prepared for tt,,but im sure things will be sorted out quickly,,i dunch wan the squad to fall apart just becoz of some stupid situations,,wadeva u guys tink abt me now be it whether gd or bad,,i dunch care,,if its bad ill willingly take the insult,,if its gd ill find it hard to believe,,im not realli into trustin anyone right now,,but this period will be over soon,,i hope,,,im realli low ok,,veri VERI low,,and extremely sensitive,,when u guys say jokes tt realli hurt me i didnt say anything,,ill continue doin tt as i dun wanna hurt anyone else bak,,,u can go against this character of me not saying anything but u cant do anything abt it,,shhesh,,bois,,argh,,y must they make me low all the time -.-,,tts it,,i swear i wun ever get into any BGR business ever again,,i dun even wanna be involved in it,,anyone tries to bring me wif another guy together again its gonna be doubly hard,,n u alreadi noe how hard it was to almost get me and joe together WHICH wld never happen in a lifetime,,wadever it is i dunch care alright,,i just wanna be alone,,
ok today im just pissed off,,,when ziling told joseph that me xinyi siti not goin tt time he go say "dun go den dun go lar,,when we decide liao u all dun come disturb" -.-,,wad iish this larhhx,,ppl never go got reason one right -.-,,this few days he have not been himself larhhx,,he suddenly got attitude,,become so bhb so,,soo,,extra -.-,,he change alot ler lar,,he is not wad he use to be,,alot never go meeting ma,,janice say around 9ppl goin onli,,so the rest no nid disturb larhx,,fine lor,,we dun disturb,,9 ppl we see how they can perform,,,the whole performance suppose to include the whole squad one,,this is a sec2 squard performance lehhx,,not for him to choose hu go n perform and hu dunch lor,,one for all,all for one,,one member of the squad is down,,the whole squad wld go down together wif its cadet,,im just realli pissed off wif him larhhx,,maybe he wun even care abt how we feel lor,,how i feel,,-.-,,we all veri tired ler leh,,rest for one day cannot arr,,he just had to pick this day to be the meeting day,,i mean ok lar choose today oso not so bad,,i wld have gone to his meeting if his attitude did not suck lor,,he wan ppl go for the meeting no nid say until like tt right,,so fierce for wad-.-,,can always dicuss another day wad,,ok i just dun wanna offend anyone here ok,,im just stating the facts,,i just wanna say this: where on earth r u!!! -.-
im really dissappointed in u joseph,,i realli am,,, probably u wun care either,,just to let u noe,,if u understand wad this sentence means,,"i will not change my decision once it is made"
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Today the dry shoot for NPCC was great although we r not using any real bullets yet larhhx,,the gun wasnt as heavy as i tot it wld be,,hahax,,on the way there some of us kinda "excited" larhhx,,den cannot control ourselves den go say all those words and wadever,,after the dry shoot liaoox den we kana punishment so go bak sch go do "PT",,we do like 240 twinkle star thing, 120 full squad,,120 half stretch,,we were like gonna fall off after the whole thing becoz of the full squad thing larhhx,,legs all wobbly wobbly derhx,,after tt when we resting tt time jospeph cry for duno wad reason,,they say he kip on blaming himself or somethin den cry larhhx,,after tt when debrief tt time he cry again,,-.-,,it like,,after seeing him cry hor,,suddenly change my impression of him lehhx,,is like,,aiya i duno how to say larhxx,,budden i feel as if i shld not giv him a chance at all larhhx,,i mean if i ever had to decide not tt i wan to or anything -.-,,no offence or anything larhhx,,im not saying bois shld not cry larhhx,,budden,,nvm,,i duno how to say,,i tok somemore will onli hurt ppl der feelings,,tink i better go write my reflection liaoox,,cyaz,,
Sunday, August 20, 2006
today go church nth much happen larhhx,,except for the piano there larhhx,,got one guy in my class play the piano today play until so rough lols,,he like banging on the piano like tt,,den worse of all,,he sang while he play the piano,,so loud somemore-.-,,budden he sing not so bad larhhx,,hahax,,den he play until the keys at the right end all become *tok* sound onli,,lols,,den when my cousin go play tt time me and my other cousin go take a look inside the piano,,den see duno how long ler den i saw the wooden thing go block the some stick thingy so cannot make the sound,,o.o,,den me and my cousin go make it higher lar den after tt can hear the sound lerhx,,we piano fixers xD,,my cousin play the piano nice worrr,,><,,wad can i expect? shes grade 7! o.o,,after tt took my cousin's dad's car and got home,,after tt just play abit of ps2 games den go on9 go chat chat,,den i just figured out tt i played the tune of the starting part of the piano piece wrong-.-,,no wonder sound so funi,,budden becoz now i noe how it is supposed to be played its gonna be harder-.-,,will make more mistakes sia,,budden wif more practice tink will become better ba,,n btw i dun have any piano lessons so im gonna learn SLOWWWLY lols,,i go pack bag ler ba,,cya
Saturday, August 19, 2006
CA finally over lerhhs,,happi happi ^.^,,lols,,we all today go out to bugis go relax relax after studying like duno wad,,hahax,,me ,shan, mei qi , josephine,si hao,edmund,huxley and jimmy all go out together,,budden most of the time we seperate der larhhx,,hahax,,coz bois like diff things den gals mahhx,,me and mei qi they all go eat at mos burger den go take neoprint. after tt we go walk walk around see whether got anything nice to buy or not,,in the end i onli buy necklace 2 pairs of earrings and a ring,,jimmy tired so go home early,,not even 2 hrs den go home liaoox,,so girlish -.-,,lols,,den got one cute cute cabbage thing si hao and guys bought for the gals,,coz they say they nth to buy mahhx,,so go buy for us lorhhx,,below is one of the pics we took at the neoprint shop:

ok bahx,,i go watch tv lerhhx,,cya
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Now alreadi 10.46 liaoxx,, just came bak frm my mother's brother's son's daughter the bdae party,, lols,,today veri tiring larhhx,,must go to toa payoh go do some charity work for the st johns,,on the way to toapayoh xin yi alreadi got ppl go donate money to her liaoxx,,tellin u arr she veri veri pro at doin this kind of stuff der,, lols,,tink becoz her face hor,,ppl see liao can feel the errr warmth in her larhhx,,lols,,see her collect money so easily den like i see liao tot veri ez worxx,,budden of course i was wrong larhhx,, hahax,,xin yi collect until like half full liao mine still not even 1/4 of the can,,lols,,me n ying shan walk together go ask ppl donate den starting part all donate to ying shan der,,lols,,later den ppl start donating to me,,all those parents wif their kids one donate the most,,hahax,,coz the little kiddies all curious curious or maybe itchy hand like tt den wan put money into the can,,lols,,i last time young oso like tt one xD,,there is somethin abt xinyi's can tt is so special,,lols,,i help xinyi tt time horr,,i hold the can liao,,den suddenly alot of ppl go self service go put inside the coin,,LOLs,,we all stand for like 2 whole hrs or more like tt den stand liao got tired,,wan sit down oso cannot,,lols,,at abt 11.50 we went to get some refreshments at macdonalds,,den hor,,the st johns the gals all never wait for us den go liaox,,-_-,,zZz,,after goin bak to sch den put the can ler,,den me meiqi xinyi shan and jose go chua chu kang go eat lunch den take neoprint,,hahax,,den hor meiqi nid go early,,den after tt me n ying shan go den left xinyi and jose inside the shopping centre,,budden i wan go buy ice-cream,,den cannot go inside the station n eat ma,,so stay outside and eat lor,, den at the same time go hear the blind woman go sing,,she sing nice wor,,onli sometimes she choose wrong song den sing abt out of tune,,im not makin fun of her or anything,,just wanna say i respected her larhhx,,at least she got the passion to earn money for a living,, others all take things for granted,,like SOMEONE i noe,,lols,,ahem ahem,,by the time i got home first thing i wan to do is slp,,budden my dad tell me go bathe den slp,,so i bathe liao,,den later climb up to my bed den lie down ler den fell asleep liaoxx,,hahaxx,,still nid to climb up siaaaa,,tink i shld have chose the bottom bed in the first place -.-,,like tt no nid climb up the ladder den waste energy + time lols,,den my sis go play dota,,i up there slping like a pig,,den later go my cousin's bdae,,come bak liao post post,,lol,,k larhhx,,tired like duno wad liaoxx,,i go slp lerhhx,,cyas,,
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
wa today first thing come bak home alreadi lie down dead onto my bed liaoox,, hahaxx,,lie down awhile liao den go bath den go out wif shan n siti,,
national day today veri fun worr,,the atmosphere was just great~!o.O n i found out one thing,,well not onli me larhhx,,MR PUVAN HAS LOST SOME WEIGHT!,,lols,,
stand for duno how long for the parade sia,,have to sing national anthem loudly n blah blah blah,,lols,,first thing march out tt time horr can hear warren de voice sia -.-,,tink becoz leon beside me larr,,den go call him or somethin,,aiya heck care him,,lols,,when shan said tt we npcc march the best i was like so happi lorrhh,,hahax,,Of course our marching veri gd larrhh,,NPCC one wadd,,L0Ls xD
k larhhxx,,i wan go slp liaoxx,,so dam tired -.-,,
Sunday, August 06, 2006
for the past few weeks haven been posting anything worrx,,>.< nth to tok abt mahhxx,,somemore i sian den no mood to do anything,,either bz doin hw or watch tv,,sian larhhhxx,,,exams r just around teh corner,,1 week after national day siaa,,must study hard -_-,,wan to study pure bio nxt yr budden if i dun do anything den of course wun be able to make it larrhxx,,
i just lurrrvvveeee my cousin's piano abilities,,she plays the piano so nicce~~!!how i wish i can play like her,,hahax,,tt si jimmy better not come find me again or else,,,anyway just this week he just paste a notepad onto the class diary den flip to tt page to let me see,,on the notepad was written"hey i found this keychains,,heard tt u r a christian,,u wan the keychains den kip it,,if not den nvm,,bla blah blah blah",, when i read liao i was like "OMG",,i of course rejected his gift lar,,edmund says i am the first gal to reject the gift tt jimmy gave to other gals,,all the other gals all happily took his gift while i am the onli one hu didnt take it,,hahax,,disgusting guy,,the more i see his face the more i wanna puke,,its veri obvious tt he AHEM me,,if u noe wad i mean,,stupid sissy,,i mean if u wanna go after someone pls take a look at ur attitude lorrhhxx,,ur attitude sux yet u go after tt gal den of course reject larr,,,he act like sissy still wan go after ppl,,just becoz all the other gals accepted him b4 doesnt mean tt his old trick wld work again,,he takes things for granted larrhxx,,n just to let u noe,,im a gal whom u wld find veri hard to satisfy,,hahaxx,,becoz of a previous heartbreakin event ive decided not to have any soul mates for the time bein o.O,,unless some guys r gd enuff to change my mind,,other den tt 4get abt it,,sure there wld be crushes here n there,,budden i noe those crushes r just puppy-love bahhxx,,soon the feeling wld be gone derhhx,,i dun even wanna tink abt trying,,coz i noe in the end ill onli end up wif a broken heart,,bois usually tok onli budden they dun show tt they realli love ya,,gals oso alike larrhxx,,always flirt here n there derhhx,,onli blind ppl wld go stead wif those play bois n gals lorrhhxx,,onli noe how to cheat ppl's feelings,,treat ppl like nths,,its like u buy somethin u like budden after awhile when u get tired of tt thing den u throw away,,realli bad right,,-.-,,ok bahhxx,,i go do my eng hw liaooxx,,cyaz